Family Travel in Central America

Family Travel in Central America is becoming more popular, especially to Costa Rica and Belize. We’ve found the people in Central America to be incredibly friendly, and the landscape is so varied there’s almost an unlimited list of things to do. It’s also an easy flight from North America with minimal time zones. It’s a bit of an added bonus not to start a vacation jet lagged.

Most of our Central American travels have been without kids, however they did join us in Honduras. We had an absolutely amazing time in Honduras and got the opportunity to really experience local life for the first time on our our travels. It’s an experience we won’t quickly forget.

There’s so much variety in Central America, from the jungles of Costa Rica, to the Mayan ruins in Guatemala, and the beaches of Roatan. There really is something for everyone. The common language can make it easier to travel to multiple places…if you speak Spanish that is! So far we’ve managed to get by with a combination of French/Spanish/English that I’m sure sounds almost incomprehensible but can occasionally get the point across. It’s not necessary to speak Spanish to travel here, but I do think it makes it a bit easier for independent travel.

Countries We’ve Visited in Central America

Countries we’ve visited that I haven’t written about yet (Coming soon!!):

  • Mexico
  • Guatemala
  • El Salvador
  • Panama