Category: Raising Global Citizens

Raising Global Citizens

According to Wikipedia, a Global Citizen is a person who understands that "all people have rights and civic responsibilities that come with being a member of the world, with whole-world philosophy and sensibilities". For me, this is important. I want my children to understand that we occupy a tiny little part of this planet, and that we are incredibly privileged to occupy our tiny corner in Canada. My hope is that if they have seen and experienced how other people live, they'll give more, want less, and help take care of our planet and their co-inhabitants.

Introducing our girls to the world is one of the main reasons we travel. I admit, I love traveling, so I may use this as a bit of an excuse!! Although, even if it is an excuse, it's still a great byproduct of traveling with our kids! Sometimes just general travel can provide the right kind of education, but most of the time I go out of my way to find the best experiences to help foster this development. It not only helps the kids, it's great for mom and dad too!
